Current weather: Bosnia and Herzegovina

Stations: 10 (10) Local Time Temp. Weather
04-28-2024 08:00 42°F  few clouds
04-28-2024 06:30 42°F  no or few clouds
04-28-2024 04:00 35°F  few clouds
04-28-2024 06:00 42°F  no or few clouds
04-28-2024 06:00 55°F  -
04-28-2024 06:00 42°F  -
04-28-2024 06:30 39°F  no or few clouds
04-28-2024 06:30 37°F  no or few clouds
04-28-2024 06:00 41°F  -
04-28-2024 06:00 39°F  -
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Neum

Local Time
22:00 EDT = 04:00
Temperature Weather
04-28-2024 02:00 55 °F -
04-27-2024 20:00 65 °F -
04-27-2024 14:00 66 °F -
04-27-2024 08:00 55 °F -
04-27-2024 02:00 58 °F -
04-26-2024 20:00 60 °F -
04-26-2024 14:00 64 °F -
04-26-2024 08:00 51 °F -
04-26-2024 02:00 52 °F -
04-25-2024 20:00 59 °F -

Last updated: Sat 27 Apr 20:41 EDT